Always in Free-lance, I worked almost ten years in the fashion's brand's packaging design. Responsible for the design & creation of the production of RUBANTIN, manufacturer specialized in labelling, POS materials, posters, and more generally advertising and brand identity for the ready-to-wear clothes market.. Each clients identity was regularly updated regarding the sharpest trends, A synthesis realised, thanks to the personnal experience I had when working with the most well knowed fashion forecasters.
According to the apparel manufacturers demand, I had to redefine, sometimes several times a year, the brand's identity according to seasonnial trends, or new products creation. Elaborating new logos, colors atmosphère, I also realized exclusive numeric illustration or photomontages, a very creative activity for a demanding clientèle, which I was passionate in, Even if not considered as the most creative field in design, packaging is really .interesting regardind the variety of materials and supports that can be used.
Above, you can see a little selection of the hudge work I did during more than ten years, and how each board was conceived, as declensions of color atmosphères and logos,, almost as triends cahier, and according to the client’s identity. I will be updating soon all those creations in a more extensive way..
As a visual complément to labels, here is a selection of creations for prêt à porter, for different advertising supports, such as posters, catalogs, etc..